Active Dance Posts

How To: Do the dougie dance with MBone

MBone shows you how to do the dougie dance. Just put your arms out and lean side to side in time with the music. Then add in a few hip hop moves of your own - MBone shows you a few good riffs on the dougie, like popping your collar and the right kind of swagger.

How To: Do a hip-hop dance to the song "Krazy" by Pitbull

The Pitbull song "Krazy" is a club dancing classic, and many people have choreographed their own dances to the song. This video will show you, in great detail, how to do one cool dance to the song choreographed by the maker of this video. It should look good any time you have the chance to perform it and improve your skills generally.

How To: Do the breakdance "which-a-way" lock

In this video, we learn how to do the break dance "which-a-way" lock. Start diagonal and put your hands together in front of you. Now, kick front and back, then twist. When you twist, your knee will go into your chest and be raised high in the air. Next, extend your leg and then bring it down to the ground, bringing the other leg up, then rocking between the legs. Start to do this between the legs, moving your upper body with you. Do this faster, rocking from side to side, then put these move...

How To: Do a changing spot combo in ballet

In this video, we learn how to do a changing spot combination. Start off by standing in front of the mirror with your right foot in front of your left. After this, do four open turns. On the fifth turn, do a quarter turn to the right, opening the entire body to the right side. Then, open up your entire body and rotate around until you get to the front. At the end, pull the move in to a pirouette and end up in the front of the mirror again. With practice, you can master this spot combo, just k...

How To: Perform colgadas in tango

In this video, we learn how to perform colgadas in tango. Doing this sends out partner out, to create a nice balance. After this, you will exit together. There are many different forms of colgadas, including: two foot, step over, multiple, collapsible, and more! Once you learn how to do these, you can incorporate them into a dance that has wraps, back steps, ochos, and more. When you are learning these, make up your timing and placement is exact, or the dance move will not look right. Both pa...

How To: Do a breakdance crab walk

In this video, we learn how to do a breakdance crab walk. Start on the ground, bringing the feet into the air. Then, bring the left hand back and your right hand out in front of you. Lean side to side to help you shift your weight. You need to get comfortable with both crab freezes before you will be able to do this completely. Next, you will start to switch your arms while you are doing this, with your legs still up in the air. This takes upper body strength to do, but can be combined with o...

How To: Perform a pitch kick

In this video, we learn how to perform a pitch kick. First, take two steps forward starting on the right leg. Then, do a deep plea and bring the leg up, then open and extend forward. Press up into releva and turn the left arm into the floor. Do this in slow counts at first, then practice doing all the counts in one fluid movement. Do this in front of a mirror so you can see how your body is placed and what you need to improve on. If you mess up, don't worry and just try it again until you hav...

How To: Do a breakdance "scoo bot" lock

In this video, we learn how to do a breakdance "scoo bot" lock. First, start with the feet only and once you master that, add in the arms. Place your heel up and your toes facing up. When you practice, use counts in your head to help keep you on beat. When you lock, you don't want to stay stiff, you want the dimensions changing all the time. Keep your movements low to stay with the beat. If you feel more comfortable going left first, then do this, or vice versa. Continue to practice this and ...

How To: Perform an attitude turn

In this video, we learn how to perform an attitude turn. First, step forward on the right foot, then cross over with the left foot. Then, lunge into the right leg with the arms open in second position. Do a deep plea and press up with the left leg into attitude. Reach your left knee back to your right shoulder to have the proper placement. Do this in front of a large mirror so you can see your body placement in the mirror, and use counts so you know when to do each movement. The counts should...

How To: Perform a beginner turn combo in ballet

In this video, we learn how to perform a beginner turn combo. Start with a channey then turn on relevea, then turn right and left into a preparation. Do one pirouette to the right, then up and relevea. Plea, then go into another pirouette while changing your arms up above your head. Practice these moves by themselves, then when you have them individually down try doing them together. You may want to practice this in front of a large mirror to see if you have the correct body movements down. W...

How To: Spot a dancer in ballet as a beginner

In this video, we learn how to spot as a beginner. Spotting is used for when you are doing turns quickly. You want to keep your eye on the same exact spot in the room so you turn in the same exact way each time, and you don't lose your focus. To practice this, stand in front of a large mirror and practice doing turns slowly, without losing your focus from the spot you're looking at. After you have mastered this, start to do turns quicker, then with using your arms to help you turn. Eventually...

How To: Do the Switch Firebird leap in ballet

In this video, we learn how to do the switch firebird. Start with a chasse on the left foot, taking three steps. From there, take one more step with the right foot, then brush the left foot forward. Take a nice big plea in the right leg, then brush it back and jump off the ground jumping into attitude and hitting the top of the head. Get as high as you can turned out. Use the plea to help you jump off the ground. Practice these in individual counts, then practice in one fluid movement in fron...

How To: Dance the tango promenade

In this video, we learn how to dance the tango promenade with Homer and Cristina Ladas. The pattern to learn how to dance this you will start in an open body and use both your upper body and hips for a close and open embrace technique. There are several techniques, including stepping and turning over that can be learned while doing this. Do which of the techniques that feel more comfortable for you to do. When you start out, you will be holding the partner close, then as you continue the danc...

How To: Do low and high leg wraps in tango

In this video, we learn how to do low and high leg wraps in tango. Whether you are doing a high or low wrap, you want to make sure you have total control over your leg. The leader should know how to position their body and have the right energy while doing this. The leader should have their thigh positioned in the correct place so they can receive the wrap and the woman can wrap correctly. You will have choices on how you articulate the wrap. Have the intention to have full contact with your ...

How To: Do an Arabesque in ballet

In this video, we learn how to do an arabesque. First, step on the right foot stepping from the right leg, then stand flat. As soon as the left leg leaves the ground, the toe points and the leg straightens. You will lift the back leg as high as you can before the chest moves forward. Make sure the back leg stays turned out and the arm doesn't go over the head in the air. You should not see the leg next to your hips, it should be right behind you. Doing this in front of a mirror will work best...

How To: Perform a basic pirouette

In this video, we learn how to perform a basic pirouette. First, start in fifth position with the right foot in front. After this, push the foot out to second position while opening the arms. Next, step the right foot into fourth position with both feet turned out and both heels on the ground. Next, lift the right leg into a turned out circle, while turning out the knee. To land with the left, cross the right leg behind. The last part is to do the actual rotation, spotting the head to get the...

How To: Perform a turning open second leap

In this tutorial, we learn how to perform a turning open second leap. Start with a high shinnay on one and two, then a low shinnay on three and four. Stop with the right leg and ninety degrees to the left corner, then do a deep plea. Push off with your left foot and then take the right leg to the other corner. Hit and open second jump after this, making sure the left and right leg match each other. Rolling out of the jump, tuck the left leg and go to the front, then step up. When finished, yo...

How To: Do dance moves from "Fame"

In this video, we learn how to do dance moves from the movie, "Fame". Start out with doing eight chugs forward with the feet apart. The hands should be at the side going in and out as you do the chugs. Next, you will keep your feet out and step right to left for eight counts as your arms are in the air to the side and you are doing shoulder rolls to the side twice. Once you have put these all together, do them in two different eight counts with the first and second counts. Once you have these...

How To: Perform the 6 o'clock in ballet

In order to perform a perfect six o'clock, you will need to, first, begin by increasing your strength and flexibility. Partner stretches may be beneficial to you, in order to increase your flexibility. This will be of additional benefit to you, if you've pushed yourself as far as you can go alone in individual stretches. When you are adequately limber, begin by stepping forward with one leg. Turn out and engage the front leg, as you transfer your weight to it. When the foot is planted, swing ...

How To: Do the Dejan Tubic-choreographed dance to Justin Bieber "Somebody to Love"

Usher and Justin Bieber have created a monster, the youngest R&B phenom since Michael Jackson was fronting the Jackson 5. Since Usher's involved, you know that the dances that go along with Just in Bieber songs are going to be phat. This video will teach you how to do the dance from the video for his song "Somebody to Love" ft. Usher. It breaks it down very slowly and should be as easy as possible for you to learn.

How To: Mix dance with fitness with Natalli Reznik

Natalli Reznik of "So You Think You Can Dance" fame goes through her warm up routine and shows you, step-by-step, how to turn professional dance moves into a great workout that'll focus on your abs, legs, and other muscles. The sweat will flow and the inches will burn as long as you're consistent with it!

How To: Dance the jerk dance like a pro

Though it might look hard, the jerk dance is a very basic dance step that can be learned easily. It's a unique form of a twisting urban dance that requires a bit of bending and a good sense of rhythm. You'll be ready for your next street performance in no time!

How To: JB skate

JB skating combines roller-skating with a variety of dance styles. If you’re board of your normal Friday nights or looking for a fun and funky way to exercise, grab a pair of skates, watch a few videos and then try it for yourself.