Dancing! Apparently, it can be done anywhere! That's the impression one gets when looking at Jordan Matter's captivating photo series, Dancers Among Us, anyway. Who knew!
Like a scene from Inception, professional hip hop dancer and choreographer Scotty Nguyen's latest video plays with gravity to the tune of Usher's "There Goes My Baby." Scotty performs with fellow professional dancer Tracy Shibata (who is currently on tour with Rihanna).
Last I checked pole dancing was mainstream acceptable as a form of exercise for adventurous young women and repressed housewives. Until now. This latest discovery deserves some real R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
This Japanese "Precision Walk" contest has such an extreme military regime vibe, these kids would put even the Nazis to shame. If you like this, don't miss South Korea's equally impressive display of audience synchronization.
Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
Have you ever been mesmerized by the Lindy Hop? It knocks me out. WonderHowTo has tutorials, but here's an interesting way to absorb the moves: watch in slow motion.
Turf dancing (Acronym: Taking Up Room on the Floor) is a form of street dance of similar vein to krumping. Basic dance elements include mimeing and popping & locking; and the free-flowing style is intended to portray a narrative- not totally unlike Gene Kelly's intention in Singin' In the Rain:
Janelle Monáe is simply in a class of her own. Genre-bending beats, distinctive fashion sense (à la the fabulous Grace Jones), and sweet dance moves to boot. Whether or not Monáe falls within your musical realm, you've gotta admit: the tiny five-foot-tall singer is chock full of infectious energy and exceptional talent.
Since we're on the topic of performing boy wonders today (Taiwanese Boy Sings Whitney Better Than Whitney Herself?), here's another defiance of nature. Little six-year-old Luke KILLS at tap dancing.
Flavorwire has compiled an incredible collection of dance videos, featuring all the Hollywood greats, from Fred Astaire to John Travolta to the cast of Slumdog Millionaire.
Lady Gaga's most recent music video, "Telephone", costarring fellow megastar Beyoncé, was just posted yesterday on YouTube and has already amassed 8 million views (and is RAPIDLY climbing as you read). Personally, I think the video is pretty incredible. BUT, before you hit play below, be warned. Gaga's latest is most likely NSFW.
Hongkiat has compiled a collection of 30+ insane fire dancing images. Fire dancing has roots in many different ethnic cultures, influencing contemporary performance art (Cirque du Soleil, Burning Man, eroticism, and more).
Incredible dance production,Thousand-Hand Guan Yin, performed by China's Disabled People's Performance Art Troupe. All of the performers are deaf, which makes the choreography quite an amazing accomplishment.
Another video from our pals over at Vive Cool City. We've seen the Aussie crew interview the Tokyo Yo-yo Master, as well as the ultra repressed Box Warriors.
Hip hop music + outdoor street setting makes tap dancing supremely more cool (not that it wasn't cool already). Pretty sweet move starting around 1:17. Pick up some moves yourself.
Ahhh. Obsession. Specifically, Stephen. When the market dove 700 points last week, he was watching this video, on repeat, mumbling something entirely incoherent.
Michael Jackson's iconic Thriller is experiencing a revival. In the Phillipines, prisoners are undergoing rehabilitation through extensively choreographed dance. This video shows hundreds of orange suited inmates dancing in unison to Thriller.
Congratulations to Romanian belly dancer Mihaela Coman, winner of the 2008 WonderHowTo Dance Award! Despite being called 'belly' dance, it's all about the hips. Girl, your hips have won everyone over!
In case anybody's been under a Beyoncé-proof rock for the last month, the (internet) world is forever changed by the Single Ladies... and in many ways, me.