Active Dance Posts

How To: Do basic and simple jazz walks

Jazz walks are basically regular walking combined with a tiptoeing motion that makes the walk like a cat strut. Jazz walks are beautiful and sexy ways to transition from one part of your routine to another, and they're also great as coreography of their own.

Eat It, Gene Kelly: Turf Dancing In the Rain

Turf dancing (Acronym: Taking Up Room on the Floor) is a form of street dance of similar vein to krumping. Basic dance elements include mimeing and popping & locking; and the free-flowing style is intended to portray a narrative- not totally unlike Gene Kelly's intention in Singin' In the Rain: In contrast to the classic 50's musical, the talented kids below bring a similar concept into the 21st century, and their performance is strikingly beautiful.

How To: Do the Forever (Chris Brown) dance

Here is a tutorial to the the Forever by Chris Brown dance. Hope it make sense. I didn't fully explain the heel-toe flick at the end, but you can search "hiphop dance the heel-Toe flick and gliding" on wonderhowto for that tutorial. Learn how to do the "Forever" Chris Brown dance.

How To: Do a tango pivot wrap

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a tango pivot wrap. For the leader the two main things are the position and the energy. You want to make sure the follower has her axis in most of the wraps unless it's an exception. To take her off the axis you really have to lift and support her. The follower has to be deliberate and controlled on how they articulate the controlled leg. No matter how you are going in, you must have control of the legs. Whether you are going in an ocho, you should keep yo...

How To: Perform enrosques in tango

In this video, Homer and Cristina Ladas teach us how to perform enrosques in tango. For the follower, it involves the corkscrew action with no change of weight. You can do this in your own axis or an imaginary one. For the leader, it can involve not changing or changing weight. The eye of the eagle can be more comfortable for one person. To make it more exciting, you will delay the action and then give it a burst of energy. Just make sure to practice this so you have a good understanding of h...

How To: Dance the jerk and some other complimentary moves

Need to brush up on your Jerk dance moves? Need a basic Jerking tutorial stat!? This tutorial takes you through a variety of moves including the reJect, basic Jerking, hand movements to apply to foot moves, and an invented dance move called the "Toon Step" or "Spongebob". They also go over how to do the bun burning knee-drop, so listen closely! There's a lot packed into this one!

How To: Do a quick lyrical dance combo

Lyrical dance is one of those art forms that's just so pretty. You'll always have more postmodern dance forms that operate on the premise that anything can be art, thereby producing funky hand and leg movements, but watching lyrical dance is like hearing the sweetest love song.

How To: Transition from close to open embrace in tango

In this video, we learn how to transition from close to open embrace in tango. Use elastic energy to give you an option to open up and turn or send your partner into a line. For the followers, you should know how to be active with your embrace. The left hand should be on the leader's right arm, especially when they are sending you away. Doing this will help you transition from closed to open more easily. It will give you the correct positioning so you don't have any fumbles when you are tryin...

How To: Do close to open transition in tango via back bolero

In this tutorial, we learn how to do close to open transition in tango via back bolero. You can communicate through closed and open embrace by forming your body correctly. You need to use your embrace right and take your energy in your ocho factory and legs to get the dance right. You should be close next to the person but both of you should have a strong stance so you are ready to transition into different moves while dancing. As you practice, you will better learn how to dance and transitio...

How To: Do basic Bollywood dance moves for beginners

Since the positive worldwide reception of "Slumdog Millionaire," Bollywood has emerged from its niche as the Mumbai counterpart to Hollywood to an exotic and interesting film genre now much more in the mainstream. The colorful costumes, elaborate makeup, and soul shaking dancing are highly addictive.

How To: Improve the quality of movement in a tango dance

In this video, we learn how to improve the quality of movement in a tango dance. Focus on the connection with the other person, the music, and connecting with the body as you are dancing with the other person. Be very strong and heavy into the ground as you are dancing and very light as you are moving around. Do a strong walk and make sure you are in touch with the rhythm but also make sure your body moves lightly around the dance floor, like it's effortless. Keep your body in contact with th...

How To: Dance the Hard Side tango

In this video, we learn how to dance the tango: the Hard Side. This will focus on the follower's pivot from an ocho. Sometimes it's harder for the leader and easier for the follower or vice versa. You can do various combinations while starting with the basic tango when you begin. No matter if it's the hard side or the easy side make sure you are on the right axis and you are maintaining the proper positioning. Maintain your spiral as you are pivoting and you should be able to get this dance d...

How To: Focus on milonga basic rhythm & phrasing in tango

In this video, we learn how to focus on milonga basic rhythm & phrasing in tango. Use your pattern to focus on the strong beats and dance to the rhythm. Find the one in your dance and have a sense of home base. Be grounded and use height change while you are dancing. Pay attention to the music as you are dancing and stay close to your partner as you are dancing. Keep close contact with them and make sure your body position stays upright, not straying from their side. Have fun while dancing! P...

How To: Do the tango from close to open, promenade and 1 alteration

In this video, we learn how to do the Tango close to open, promenade and 1 alteration. Remember the basic rules of staying in the line of dance and going with the music. Twist your hips and go from closed to open, practicing this often so you get better at it. You and your partner should feel the music as you are both dancing. Keep the bodies in proper position so each of you can change from open to close as you would like. Use different alterations that you are comfortable with to get a diff...

How To: Make gloves for giving lighshows and decide what parts to use

Light shows are one of the best parts of raves, bringing people together to participate in a whole new type of social interaction. Gloves have become the most popular tools of the lightshow trade, and this video will teach you how to make your own custom set exactly how you want them. It discusses types of lights, batteries, and everything else you need to know to make your first set of gloves.

How To: Do wind themed salsa moves like the cyclone and windmill

Salsa dancing thrives on spontaneity and the wonderful chemistry and fun move variations and transitions you create with your partner, but these bouts of freestyling and showing off must be grounded in very set patterns. Patterns help to establish time and also a cohesive look to your salsa dance. Check out this video to learn how to do "wind waker" salsa dance moves to create a pattern.

How To: Do Beyonce's signature booty shake step by step

Want to learn a sexy dance move that'll impress at the club but is also super easy to learn? Then check out this dance tutorial to learn how to do the booty shake, AKA Beyonce's signature/go-to dance move that involves popping your booty in and out while holding your arms bent at the elbows and pumping.

How To: Do the Hustle '70s John Travolta dance move

There are few things we'd like to bring back from the '70s: After all, living through super flared bell bottoms, afros bigger than our body, and peace sign shades once was enough. Though we're glad the trendy style of the '70s has faded like yesterday's news, we do love pulling out our Disco Era dance moves.