Advanced crip walking takes lots of control and practice. This shows you moves like 'The V', 'quick step' and 'shuffle spin'. He breaks down this form of hip hop that is popular on the street. It invo ...
Learn to hambone with doo-heif Productions then try for yourself! This involves knee slapping rhythmically. What is hambone? Well here's an idea: The Juba dance or hambone, originally known as Pattin ...
This is a step by step on how to slow dance with a partner that is parapelegic, meaning they are paralyzed from the waste down. This is an adapted dance that is perfect for couple that have disabiliti ...
Here is a lesson of how to swing the hips and butt like a Jamaican girl from the Dancehall. This is a sort of hip-hop line dance hybrid. This takes lots of looseness in your waist to let all the movem ...
Dance instructor Michelle Hillier of fit2dance breaks down six dance moves that can be found in Beyoncé's popular hit "Single Ladies". She breaks down six steps of this craze. This is from Beyonce's I ...
This is a Wiggle Walk C-walk dance tutorial. Be sure to click on Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 fo the entire tutorial. Follow along with this demonstration to learn the wiggle walk C-walk moves. This is adv ...
Here's an approach to different concepts within liquid through one of the foundational concepts- the handflow. You can use the handflow as a gateway of learning many other liquid dance concepts. Note: ...
Head Over Heels demonstrates a couple 20's Charleston variations. First learn the crossover step, and then the 1-2 pass by. Do the Charleston with the crossover step, and then the basic crossover step ...
Head Over Heels demonstrates a jig kicks sequence with a cross-over step. This Jig Kicks with a Cross-Over enables you to do the basic jitterbug. Do one full basic and then get your footwork on the sa ...