Begin with your feet together. Jive dance is very bouncy. So, all of your steps should have a bounce in them. You will also be placing the emphasis on the "and" of each count. Hop on your right fo ...
Watch enough Glee and Buffy's Once More, With Feeling and it will never fail to instill the urge to do something stupid in public. And hey, what better way to do this than to drag others down with you ...
If you're interested in learning salsa, learning a couple of dance moves doesn't mean that you're done. There are many techniques and moves that need to be perfected and can help improve your dancing ...
While some clubs have separate rooms that maintain themselves as only hip hop and r&b, or only pop music and rock, often, no matter where you're dancing, the DJ will switch up a track out of the blue ...
So you think you can dance? Well sorry honey, but we're here to tell you that your over the top worms and butter churning don't exactly count as hip, impressive dance moves. But fear not; this video w ...
In order not to be a total social outcast and scare off the ladies, it's super important to have a decently sized grab bag of dance moves you can bust out on the dance floor at a club. Whether it's si ...
Have you ever been getting your thang on at a club, totally impressing your lady and just feeling the music until you decide to switch from one dance move to another and instead of solid flow you eith ...
Have you ever tried to play lothario to a girl at a club and turned her ever so gracefully, only to misjudge her height and clotheslining her in the face? With minimal lighting and swarming, uncomfort ...
Just because you have two left feet doesn't mean you have to give up on impressing the ladies at the club. We get that getting your groove on can be intimidating, especially when all you know how to d ...
This is one of those dance moves that requires a little bit of practice, but the payoff is a phenomenol increase in the way you handle ladies when dancing at the club. Whether you're single or part of ...