Nowadays, thinking about why we fell for MC Hammer during the '90s escapes us: the too-big pants and funky songs are more than we care to think about now. But the guy sure knew how to shake what his m ...
The Running Man was everywhere in the 1990's, and we do mean everywhere. From Will Smith to random kids on the street trying to look cool, the move was popularized by the likes of MC Hammer and Vanill ...
If you're willing to work hard and practice even harder, then you'll be able to acquire the most impressive and recognizable dance move in modern times. What dance move are we talking about? The moon ...
In the field of break dancing, there is either win or lose, no try. That's because the superior upper body strength and advanced hand-eye-leg coordination required by the dance style are extremely dem ...
These days, if you hear the word "thrusting" in the same sentence as "dancing" then you probably imagine a guy doing naughty things to a girl at a seedy nightclub. But we're not talking about grinding ...
The bus stop is definitely not a move you'll want to break out on your next clubbing trip with your gal pals, but it sure is a fun move to do when you're just goofing around with friends at home or go ...
You may not know it, but one of the silliest dance moves you've probably seen out around town actually has a name. It's called the Roger Rabbit, and done with style and as part of a good dance routine ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to use a wall to do split stretches. Start out against a wall that has nothing around it so you can easily stretch with it. After this, face the wall and then lay on you ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do basic floor work in belly dancing. you will want to move your body like you are in waves until you reach the floor and are sitting down. Move slowly and feel your ...
Salsa is not salsa without one of the signature salsa moves, spinning. If you're male (the lead) then you'll be doing fewer spins, whereas if you're the female then expect to be twirling around and ar ...